Saturday, March 9, 2013


A counter to the Kalam Cosmological Argument.

Properties of mind.

 Everything complex is derived from very simple elements over a period of time. [Empirically observed.]
The more complex the thing, the greater the time needed for it to develop. [Empirically observed.]
Minds are extremely complex. [Empirically observed.]
Therefore minds developed from very simple elements over a significant period of time.
[This philosophically derived conclusion has been checked and verified as true by the scientific method.]

Properties of the Abrahamic god. 

God had no beginning. (Statement derived from religious doctrines concerning all versions of the Abrahamic god.)
Therefore God did not develop from simple elements over a period of time.
Therefore God is not complex and has no mind.

Properties of gravity. 

Gravity is an immaterial force that appears to be an innate property of the cosmos. [Statement derived from application of the scientific method to astrophysics.]
Therefore gravity had no beginning.
Therefore gravity did not develop from simple elements over a period of time. [Conclusion validated by the scientific method.]
 Gravity creates stars. [Statement derived from application of the scientific method to astrophysics.]

Therefore gravity is god.

1 comment:

  1. Could you be wrong about that? You're confirming what the Bible says in Romans 1 - that when people reject God they end up worshiping creation.
